Extract from the WWOOF book for Australia:

Working in exchange for food and accommodation is the basis of all WWOOFing. Time spent working varies according to the degree of self-sufficiency expected, how busy the host is at the time of your visit and other factors – but it should average out at about a half day’s work for a full day’s keep. We suggest that 4 to 6 hours a day is fair exchange for a days full board and accommodation.

A french guy was sitting next to me in the hostel and while reading through his WWOOF book he found following article:

Redcatherine John’s,“Artemis“, RSD 629, Mannum, 5238, Ph: 08-8569-6008, Email: redcatherine50@hotmail.com

Artemis is a „Womyn Spirit Retreat, a place of Goddess Spitituality“.
Set on 157 acres in the Angas Valley, 90 min from Adelaide and 20 min from the river town of Mannum, the magic of the Mallee that speaks to one’s heart & soul. She is also the home of about 100 rescued animals & birds. Wwoofers must like animals putty user manual , especially dogs. Wwoofers can be P/U from Mannum, but own transport preferable. Lenght of stay 3-5 days or negotiable. I am a Romani/Gypsy womyn who still travels by horse & cart, am a photographer, author, healer & witch. Artemis welcomes men (only workshops not in session) if they are accompanied by a womyn. Artemis has Mallee bush, a temple, grotto, op shop, labyrinth and has rituals and gatherings. Work includes gardening, weeding, painting, stone walling, clearing bush, using some machinery, cleaning animal enclosures, working with horses, general farm work. Accom in caravans, tent, shearing shed, guest area or BYO. There is seperate kitchen, a shared bathroom & toilet. Catherine only eats vegetarian cuisine, goats milk products- creative cooks welcome! Smoking outside, no TV or computer use, limited use of phone, restricted use of mobiles. Children b.a. No pets due to wildlife and other dogs/cats living here.

Isn’t that scary? 🙂

One Comment to “The Australian WWOOF Book”

  1. Kathrin Thyrolf sagt:

    Hallo Claudio,

    schon von Dir zu lesen. Ich wollte Dir eigentlich eine ganz normale e-Mail schicken, habe aber leider Deine E-Mail Adresse verbummelt. Schreib mir doch mal kurz zurück, dann bin ich wieder auf dem laufenden.

    Das Hostel-Erlebnis erinnert mich sehr an meine Australien und Thailand Urlaube, einen Idioten gibt´s im Hause immer! Ich bin ganz schön neidisch, dass ich nicht dort sein kann, in meiner „Wunschheimat“. Wann wirst Du eigentlich in Australien eintreffen?

    Diese Jahr verlasse ich auch wieder, wie immer im November, das dann doch recht graue Deutschland. Aber nicht Richtung Osten, sondern diesmal fliege ich mit meinem Liebsten mal nach Ami-Land. Ich bin sehr gespannt!!

    Also bis bald, und melde Dich mal per Mail!

    die kurze Kathrin aus Berlin

    PS: Vielleicht wird dieses Jahr noch geheiratet! Jippi!

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